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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Almost done with what seems to every year sew along!

I have participated in sew alongs for the past 3 years.
I have a lot of fun and learn many techniques I didn't know before. Being  an individual that has sewn for the better part of her lifetime you'd think I would have been a master at pattern instructions.

I have OCD and tend to be a perfectionist but also, try to "wing" it a lot. Not so good sometimes. There have been projects i've compleatly scrapped and redone, some that I just said "it gives it personality" and others that I just never finish because I was so frustrated.

This weeks project was a Embroidery storage pouch/ The rightful name: Sweet Trips Embroidery Pouch, From Ayumi Takahashi's book Patchwork, Please!: Colorful Zakka Projects to Stitch and Give
If you do not own it, I suggest you purchase a copy! HERE on Amazon  or your local bookstore. I had preorderd mine in advance before the book had came out. I had completely forgotten about it until it arrived in my mailbox! Talk about a surprise to myself. The projects in this book are lovely. Full of character and so much fun to make. 
The weeks of the sew along- for any of you peeps that do not know what the sew along is all about.. hop on over to LR Stitched site for the past projects that had been linked up, and Debbi's Blog for the newest of the sew along. Only one more week is left for this sew along. To have a chance to win with a link up. 

So, without further rambelings, this is my version of this weeks project;
This is the exterior front cover. I used my beloved,hoarded, flea market fancy by  Denyse Schmidt. 
I used a thicker binding tape because that is what I had on hand. Trying not to buy any more items for this SAL or many in the future As, it became very expensive. 
The interior vynle pouch was a bit of a pill to sew. It moves and I didn't use the recommended paper to sew it on as I thought it would be even more of a pill. I added a velcro dot to keep the flap down. 
After compleating this project I had wished I added a zipper pouch on the backside for a little touch of "more me", to make the project a little bit more personal..there is always next time since, I do own the book :)
The interior turned out better than I had thought i'd do. I had made hexis and winged cutting the interior. Shame on me.. I had wanted to use as many of my FMF scraps up as possible.

As you can see the binding covers up some of the pouch-thats what you get for "going against the grain" ;-) and not purchasing smaller binding. 
Packed and ready to go to work with me today on this beautiful Oregon Sunday!