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Friday, August 16, 2013

Its been awahile peeps..

Its been a while.
I got a lot of blog hits after posting a tut on a foot soak..that is exciting for me :)

So..I wanted to share a little tid bit as to what i've been up to and what nots..

Sewers out there: Have you heard to the sew along (SAL) going on was at LR Stitched with Lindsey now its over at A Quilters Table  with Debbie for the remainder of the SAL .

I have successfully completed all of the up to date projects..including a quilt! only my second one.. and my second time paper piecing which, its not as hard as I though. I am learning how to make sure my points are on and correct. I was so relived to have finished this quilt and overjoyed with my results.
I have a sweet affection for grey. Grey is the color of the clouds here in Oregon in the Fall. Fall is my favorite season and I am so blessed to live in a state that has all the seasons and so dramatically different.

I have had some cooking adventures in the past few weeks.
From scratch enchiladas ... to die for. I cook using a lot of recipes from The Pioneer Woman  who also is a Food Network host of her own show. I just adore her. Her recipes and delish and many of which you already have the ingredients in your cupboard if you are a usual cook like myself. Even though my husband and I do not have children I cook for the two of us and I dont know how to only cook for the two of us.... so really, we end up with left overs for days which,is a money saver and time saver for both of us as we both work full time. (Thank the Lord in this recession!).

Tonight I made a cake from a tutorial I found while cruising Pinterest.
You can find her recipe here Live Craft Eat Blog shes got some great tips and nummy looking recipes.
The cake above is my results. Not to swell in appearance as I didn't grease my bunt well enough but.... its her recipe and totally DELISH! I made it particularly for my hubby. He loves his chocolate!

I spent a lot of the day sewing and picking up the house...and watching my house bunn...

This weeks Patchwork Please project is a Mail pocket holder (not the name of the pattern .. )
here is what I have so far... 
I am going to go with a white background to sew the pockets to rather than the yellow... just washes the colors out too much..
I will post a finished product when im done :) Hopefully tomorrow!

Working and sewing, cooking, working and sewing..that's what i've been up to...
Take care!

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