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Monday, July 1, 2013

Zakka Patchwork Please! Sew Along 2.0 .... Its been swell

Hey there!
Hello for tuning into my little blog post today...

All things Zakka...
a year ago I had no idea what Zakka was... never heard of fact..had never made a quilt before from any type of pattern until last year when I participated in a sew along for the first time.

I know you will be interested once you check out the kind of projects that are being made and shared on Flickr. So, Pop on over to Lindsey at LRStitched .... the flickr group is HERE  to find out all the details. I do have to say MUST complete the item for that week to be eligible for the prizes for one lucky SAL member a week...yes! PRIZES! woot woot!

You don't have to make all the projects. I've picked and ahead by a week or two..only because of a vacation coming to be prepared. Though, this year I wont have the time to make the quilts so I'll be off from the SAL a week a piece for those. Too bad I know..

I am in love...

All of my photos from the Zakka Style sew along last year can be found right here on my flickr
So, anyhoot...
Back on track..
This year we are sewing threw the Patwork Please! by Ayumi Takahashi and the projects are  much different than last year..
Tea Cozy and Tea Pouch
I had a lot of fun with the paper peicing of the words. I had never done that before. I had trouble with the color choices. I had recently been involved in a charm swap and really wanted to cut into a few. I don't own a tea kettle but,this would make a good gift for someone I know that enjoys tea.
Children's apple Bib
My husband and I do not yet have children. I actually even debated on making an adult sized bib so I could use it. No joke :) I decided I can stash this away for a few years.
Place Mat
This is currently being used as my mouse pad/Under my laptop  riser mat.. It is working out pretty well.
This was the first time I had ever used linen..100% linen that is. I always bought blends because..well..they are cheaper and I can't afford a bunch of money for fabric with a trip coming up!
Dino Hat
Again, no children but, I know of a boy that may like this hat. Whom has an eccentric personality for animals and creatures..but, don't tell the criminals that are after him (har har) or his invisible friend. 

BLD Towels
Self explanatory..Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner
"Tea Towels" I wanted bright fun colors.
With the help of photo editing the colors are brighter
but,they are lovely and bright. The patchwork was fun.

My cafe apron..I adore it..its sill on my wire mani stand.
I am savoring the beauty in it. Its lovely.

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