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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Semi Housewife.. little post just cuz

I am ....A Semi-Housewife...
What is that you may ask?
Well, the answer to this is: I have a very part time job and am home most days of the week. I enjoy feeling wifie which entails, cooking,cleaning and painting my nails with the occasional glass of wine.
My husband would love for me to be home all the time and be a little wife why?
My husband loves food! and I really believe that me being home more has really ignited our marriage even more than it was before. It is like "Couples Therapy" because really,lets face it. A marriage is built upon the grounds that both of you know when you first get hitched and then as time goes on you settle into being a married couple and things are not always puppy dogs,flowers and rainbows. I knew my husband for only 6 months before we got hitched. I was learning who he was and seeing where he "fits" into my life. Its the anatomy of a marriage, your not going to just go out and marry someone in a week...right? or get asked to be a wife the first night...yeah,that did hubbs now..
I had been searching for a friend, not a FWB but, a FRIEND. After a crummy break up of a few months I was feeling under the weather. Myself, the type of chick that has a lot of guy frineds and maybe a gal pal or two decided that a guy would just be easy to hang out with and fill that "void" in my life for the time being. One thing led to another and we have been married for 3 years now.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbback to my story............
SO, I have had a fantasy for a while that I would be a housewife, sew all day,drink coffee and chat with heals on while sitting on my table in front of my sliding glass door thinking of what color of nail polish I should apply next... ;-)
I finally experianced this not because I quit a job or decided to become the house wife of Gresham but,because I got canned from my job of nearly 3 years (2 years 11 months 3 days) kinda gig.. Yeah so,that was my time to shine...Hello Housewife!

My routine when I am not working:
Up by 9am
Breakfast done by 10am
Laundry by 1030am
Shower by 10:35Am
Head to "Craft Corner" and craft in my lounge outfit: Cropped sweats,slippers and a T
Think about dinner....
Watch a movie or two
Do the house chores-pick up etc.
Watch a movie or my show 7pm
Complete all laundry by  8pm
Clean a little more
Pick husband up from work
Go home, lounge and peruse Pinterest 10pm
Go to bed by 11pm
...............Ta da!

Being a housewife is fancy isn't it?
Bananas Foster.....over Tillamook Vanilla Bean Ice die for

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