Because I can.
I find myself doing a lot these days. Sewing working 60+ hour work weeks and slacking in my personal life. In really dislike not being able to get up at my usual time of 8am and going about my day until I go to work just a few hours later. I had a good habit for a while getting up much earlier and really getting a good start on my day. As I am currently unable to post pretty photos here, it will be text only. I don't quit know how to use my tablet still.
I like to help out as much as possible. At times I bite off more than I can chew. - over achiever- I am a "legal drug dealer" is what I call myself. I am an MA. I like to pick up shifts because isn't that what adults with no children do? Work a bunch? It is the summer and my co-workers have asked for vacations (awe man!) *snickered* so, I've picked up days. I myself, had just had a vacation for 8 days which, was a blessing in itself. I was burnt out. At one time in the month I had worked 110 hours in two weeks. That may be minimal for most but for the working class of us that have a "9-5" job that's a TON.
I enjoy where I am employed so I continue to pick shifts up. Including working as a full in receptionist.
What's new the the creative mind of an addicted personality? My friend and in are going glamping next week. I am completely excited and so ready for a new experience I have not been camping since Raccoon apocalypse 2012. The date was made a few weeks ago and the reservation was set shortly there after. What is glamping? In my definition: camping with style of glam and luxurious means. How are we glamping? I have made some frilly,burnings made of burlap and I've made curtains for my SUV that we will be sleeping in. We are also bringing the best part of our creative minds with us: our SEWING MACHINES!. Yep, you read that correctly, sewing machines.
We are cutting our projects out at home and bringing the essential sewing accessories. I am so excited and so happy that "this is happening!" No boys, just two girls and there machines.
I will be posting our fun and mishaps on instagrm. Follow me @Sunshinenelliesaidsew and @interfacinganonymous we don't disappoint :)
Have a great weekend!
The Goodness of an addicted personality
Easy reads, down to earth, and uniquely real. Subjects and blogs may vary. I write with quirk and spunk, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do writing them.
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Saturday, July 5, 2014
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
There is another Holiday swap Happening on Flickr!
I have created a new swap on Flckr for the sewing community.
This time around (my first actually being as Admin) is for a holiday/seasonal Table runner. For either coffee table or kitchen table.
Join here The swap is open to international and USA swappers.
The guidelines and rules can be found on the group so pop on over!
I have created a new swap on Flckr for the sewing community.
This time around (my first actually being as Admin) is for a holiday/seasonal Table runner. For either coffee table or kitchen table.
Join here The swap is open to international and USA swappers.
The guidelines and rules can be found on the group so pop on over!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Almost done with what seems to every year sew along!
I have participated in sew alongs for the past 3 years.
I have a lot of fun and learn many techniques I didn't know before. Being an individual that has sewn for the better part of her lifetime you'd think I would have been a master at pattern instructions.
I have OCD and tend to be a perfectionist but also, try to "wing" it a lot. Not so good sometimes. There have been projects i've compleatly scrapped and redone, some that I just said "it gives it personality" and others that I just never finish because I was so frustrated.
This weeks project was a Embroidery storage pouch/ The rightful name: Sweet Trips Embroidery Pouch, From Ayumi Takahashi's book Patchwork, Please!: Colorful Zakka Projects to Stitch and Give
If you do not own it, I suggest you purchase a copy! HERE on Amazon or your local bookstore. I had preorderd mine in advance before the book had came out. I had completely forgotten about it until it arrived in my mailbox! Talk about a surprise to myself. The projects in this book are lovely. Full of character and so much fun to make.
The weeks of the sew along- for any of you peeps that do not know what the sew along is all about.. hop on over to LR Stitched site for the past projects that had been linked up, and Debbi's Blog for the newest of the sew along. Only one more week is left for this sew along. To have a chance to win with a link up.
So, without further rambelings, this is my version of this weeks project;
The interior turned out better than I had thought i'd do. I had made hexis and winged cutting the interior. Shame on me.. I had wanted to use as many of my FMF scraps up as possible.
As you can see the binding covers up some of the pouch-thats what you get for "going against the grain" ;-) and not purchasing smaller binding.
Packed and ready to go to work with me today on this beautiful Oregon Sunday!
I have a lot of fun and learn many techniques I didn't know before. Being an individual that has sewn for the better part of her lifetime you'd think I would have been a master at pattern instructions.
I have OCD and tend to be a perfectionist but also, try to "wing" it a lot. Not so good sometimes. There have been projects i've compleatly scrapped and redone, some that I just said "it gives it personality" and others that I just never finish because I was so frustrated.
This weeks project was a Embroidery storage pouch/ The rightful name: Sweet Trips Embroidery Pouch, From Ayumi Takahashi's book Patchwork, Please!: Colorful Zakka Projects to Stitch and Give
If you do not own it, I suggest you purchase a copy! HERE on Amazon or your local bookstore. I had preorderd mine in advance before the book had came out. I had completely forgotten about it until it arrived in my mailbox! Talk about a surprise to myself. The projects in this book are lovely. Full of character and so much fun to make.
The weeks of the sew along- for any of you peeps that do not know what the sew along is all about.. hop on over to LR Stitched site for the past projects that had been linked up, and Debbi's Blog for the newest of the sew along. Only one more week is left for this sew along. To have a chance to win with a link up.
So, without further rambelings, this is my version of this weeks project;
This is the exterior front cover. I used my beloved,hoarded, flea market fancy by Denyse Schmidt.
I used a thicker binding tape because that is what I had on hand. Trying not to buy any more items for this SAL or many in the future As, it became very expensive.
The interior vynle pouch was a bit of a pill to sew. It moves and I didn't use the recommended paper to sew it on as I thought it would be even more of a pill. I added a velcro dot to keep the flap down.
After compleating this project I had wished I added a zipper pouch on the backside for a little touch of "more me", to make the project a little bit more personal..there is always next time since, I do own the book :)The interior turned out better than I had thought i'd do. I had made hexis and winged cutting the interior. Shame on me.. I had wanted to use as many of my FMF scraps up as possible.
Packed and ready to go to work with me today on this beautiful Oregon Sunday!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Zakka 2.0-Patchwork Please! week what now??
I am so shocked that I have successfully completed and uploaded every project from Patchwork Please. You can find the book Here on Amazon
You can see all the projects I have completed and made HERE
This is my completed Market bag
I have been crazy busy sewing. It seems as if I had joined one swap after another. I joined the Fussy cut block swap;
#URHere swap
Simple and Sweet Scrappy swap;
Fall Mug Rug Swap
What have you been involved in? swaps? sewing projects?
You can see all the projects I have completed and made HERE
This is my completed Market bag
#URHere swap
Simple and Sweet Scrappy swap;
Fall Mug Rug Swap
What have you been involved in? swaps? sewing projects?
Friday, August 16, 2013
Its been awahile peeps..
Its been a while.
I got a lot of blog hits after posting a tut on a foot soak..that is exciting for me :)
So..I wanted to share a little tid bit as to what i've been up to and what nots..
Sewers out there: Have you heard to the sew along (SAL) going on was at LR Stitched with Lindsey now its over at A Quilters Table with Debbie for the remainder of the SAL .
I have successfully completed all of the up to date projects..including a quilt! only my second one.. and my second time paper piecing which, its not as hard as I though. I am learning how to make sure my points are on and correct. I was so relived to have finished this quilt and overjoyed with my results.
I have a sweet affection for grey. Grey is the color of the clouds here in Oregon in the Fall. Fall is my favorite season and I am so blessed to live in a state that has all the seasons and so dramatically different.
I have had some cooking adventures in the past few weeks.
From scratch enchiladas ... to die for. I cook using a lot of recipes from The Pioneer Woman who also is a Food Network host of her own show. I just adore her. Her recipes and delish and many of which you already have the ingredients in your cupboard if you are a usual cook like myself. Even though my husband and I do not have children I cook for the two of us and I dont know how to only cook for the two of us.... so really, we end up with left overs for days which,is a money saver and time saver for both of us as we both work full time. (Thank the Lord in this recession!).
Tonight I made a cake from a tutorial I found while cruising Pinterest.
You can find her recipe here Live Craft Eat Blog shes got some great tips and nummy looking recipes.
The cake above is my results. Not to swell in appearance as I didn't grease my bunt well enough but.... its her recipe and totally DELISH! I made it particularly for my hubby. He loves his chocolate!
I spent a lot of the day sewing and picking up the house...and watching my house bunn...
This weeks Patchwork Please project is a Mail pocket holder (not the name of the pattern .. )
here is what I have so far...
I am going to go with a white background to sew the pockets to rather than the yellow... just washes the colors out too much..
I will post a finished product when im done :) Hopefully tomorrow!
Working and sewing, cooking, working and sewing..that's what i've been up to...
Take care!
I got a lot of blog hits after posting a tut on a foot soak..that is exciting for me :)
So..I wanted to share a little tid bit as to what i've been up to and what nots..
Sewers out there: Have you heard to the sew along (SAL) going on was at LR Stitched with Lindsey now its over at A Quilters Table with Debbie for the remainder of the SAL .
I have successfully completed all of the up to date projects..including a quilt! only my second one.. and my second time paper piecing which, its not as hard as I though. I am learning how to make sure my points are on and correct. I was so relived to have finished this quilt and overjoyed with my results.
I have a sweet affection for grey. Grey is the color of the clouds here in Oregon in the Fall. Fall is my favorite season and I am so blessed to live in a state that has all the seasons and so dramatically different.
I have had some cooking adventures in the past few weeks.
From scratch enchiladas ... to die for. I cook using a lot of recipes from The Pioneer Woman who also is a Food Network host of her own show. I just adore her. Her recipes and delish and many of which you already have the ingredients in your cupboard if you are a usual cook like myself. Even though my husband and I do not have children I cook for the two of us and I dont know how to only cook for the two of us.... so really, we end up with left overs for days which,is a money saver and time saver for both of us as we both work full time. (Thank the Lord in this recession!).
Tonight I made a cake from a tutorial I found while cruising Pinterest.
You can find her recipe here Live Craft Eat Blog shes got some great tips and nummy looking recipes.
The cake above is my results. Not to swell in appearance as I didn't grease my bunt well enough but.... its her recipe and totally DELISH! I made it particularly for my hubby. He loves his chocolate!
I spent a lot of the day sewing and picking up the house...and watching my house bunn...
This weeks Patchwork Please project is a Mail pocket holder (not the name of the pattern .. )
here is what I have so far...
I am going to go with a white background to sew the pockets to rather than the yellow... just washes the colors out too much..
I will post a finished product when im done :) Hopefully tomorrow!
Working and sewing, cooking, working and sewing..that's what i've been up to...
Take care!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Finally got around to trying a DIY foot soak off Pinterest.. My version
I saw a pin floating around Pinterest for a foot soak using mouthwash,vinegar and water.
My feet have been aching and needed to be pampered on my one day off.
I hate salon prices when I have all the tools I need at home. Not to mention the abundance of nailpolish to boot!
So, here is the version that WORKS! I started out using the version on pinterest but, the version on pinterest is not enough fluid to cover even a foot and not detailed enough for max. results. (My opinon)
Gather your supplies:
Antiseptic mouth wash
Clean dry towel you wont mind possibly staining.(from the dye in the mouthwash)
LARGE bowl or even a plastic storage container-big enough for both your feet but not so big the ingredients dont fill it enough.
1) Vinegar and Antiseptic Mouthwash (It does NOT need to be brand name!) The higher the acidity in the vinegar the better. I just so happen to have "Pickle perfect" because it is a 5% acidity and I use it for cleaning around the house.
2) IF you have this Pedro Callus Stone by tweezerman (its double sided one smooth one rough) USE IT! OR, I highly recommend the investment. It is $15-$20 and it lasts forever. I've had this thing for over 4 years now. You can use it wet or dry. Or a pedi egg works fine.
3)Nail clippers,Cuticle clippers if you know how to use them-you can end up with infected cuticles,metal nail file with pointed tip, and a measuring cup.
Now lets begin!
-Run tap water to as hot as you can handle.
-Measure out 2 cups Antiseptic and 2 cups vinegar pour in bowl. Then add 6 cups of to the hottest bearable temp of water.
-Soak you feet for 30 minutes. I played on my phone for this step.
-One by one, leave the other foot in the bowl, with your foot wet, use a foot file to remove dead skin off your feet. My feet are calluced on the heels primarily. The foot file removes the build up. Lets face it, its a fact of life for some.
- Then wipe the removed skin off with a clean dry towel. Then put your foot back into the water. Then work on the other. Then go back to the first foot you started with and push your cuticles back, clip and file. Clean from underneath and the corners.Dry your feet one last time. Paint your nails if you'd like..
Tada! fresh feet!
My feet are tingling from the soak and it feels so good! (Thanks to Mentholatum!) My feet are clearly smoother and Gross: there was dead skin in the bowl! I soaked my feet all for about 45 minutes.
Did you know: Vinegar has anti-bacterial properties and is a fantastic soak with water alone for ingrown toe nails? yep,true! and SO cheap!
Note: Not a paid post by any company including Tweezerman, I just LOVE There products and it is the sole opinion of me and my preference.
My feet have been aching and needed to be pampered on my one day off.
I hate salon prices when I have all the tools I need at home. Not to mention the abundance of nailpolish to boot!
So, here is the version that WORKS! I started out using the version on pinterest but, the version on pinterest is not enough fluid to cover even a foot and not detailed enough for max. results. (My opinon)
Gather your supplies:
Antiseptic mouth wash
Clean dry towel you wont mind possibly staining.(from the dye in the mouthwash)
LARGE bowl or even a plastic storage container-big enough for both your feet but not so big the ingredients dont fill it enough.
1) Vinegar and Antiseptic Mouthwash (It does NOT need to be brand name!) The higher the acidity in the vinegar the better. I just so happen to have "Pickle perfect" because it is a 5% acidity and I use it for cleaning around the house.
2) IF you have this Pedro Callus Stone by tweezerman (its double sided one smooth one rough) USE IT! OR, I highly recommend the investment. It is $15-$20 and it lasts forever. I've had this thing for over 4 years now. You can use it wet or dry. Or a pedi egg works fine.
3)Nail clippers,Cuticle clippers if you know how to use them-you can end up with infected cuticles,metal nail file with pointed tip, and a measuring cup.
Now lets begin!
-Run tap water to as hot as you can handle.
-Measure out 2 cups Antiseptic and 2 cups vinegar pour in bowl. Then add 6 cups of to the hottest bearable temp of water.
-Soak you feet for 30 minutes. I played on my phone for this step.
-One by one, leave the other foot in the bowl, with your foot wet, use a foot file to remove dead skin off your feet. My feet are calluced on the heels primarily. The foot file removes the build up. Lets face it, its a fact of life for some.
- Then wipe the removed skin off with a clean dry towel. Then put your foot back into the water. Then work on the other. Then go back to the first foot you started with and push your cuticles back, clip and file. Clean from underneath and the corners.Dry your feet one last time. Paint your nails if you'd like..
Tada! fresh feet!
My feet are tingling from the soak and it feels so good! (Thanks to Mentholatum!) My feet are clearly smoother and Gross: there was dead skin in the bowl! I soaked my feet all for about 45 minutes.
Did you know: Vinegar has anti-bacterial properties and is a fantastic soak with water alone for ingrown toe nails? yep,true! and SO cheap!
Note: Not a paid post by any company including Tweezerman, I just LOVE There products and it is the sole opinion of me and my preference.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
I beat the heat by sewing and getting ahead!
It has been so hot in the Portland area for a little over a week. Finally! A cool break! the 4th consisted of me sewing all night until the husband got home from work and watching others shoot illegal fireworks in our park. 90+ heat=yuck=humid.. so..I got ahead on the Zakka 2.0 SAL.
I have been participating in the Zakka 2.0 Patchwork Please SAL over at
LR Stiched right now most of everyone is finishing up their week 5's Placemat.
Here is mine:
My binding is not to swell. We were supposed to,according to the directions. Fold over the back of the fabric to create your bias..well...I have a hard time following everything to a T...
I am using my mat as a computer mat under my laptop riser/Mouse pad. It is working pretty well I think..
Week 6 is
A Yum-Yum Apple Bib .... My husband and I do not have children (yet) so, i'll be storing this one too...
I randomly chose my fabrics. I was going to do a unisex color scheme but I really love the colors of orange with the grey polka dots. Thanks to Flickr image changer I changed the colors to be more vivid.
I went with a babyville snap instead of velcro.
Week 7 is:
Dino-Mite Hate.
I didn't want to use wool because its spendy and again, trying to use my supplies I have on hand. However, I only had white, I spent the $4 (with coupon) for a yard to felt at Joanns Fabrics. The felt is just as thick as wool and much cheaper. Looks and feels the same to me too. I went with a unisex color scheme because,I didn't know who I was going to give this to.. I gave it to my bestest gals son.
Week 8 is:
Books-for-Baby Quilt.
This photo is when I was running some stitches down the rows to keep the backing and batting held together. I have had issues using spray adhesive, It challenges me I opted no to use it this time around.
Again, no baby so, this will be stored for the future :)
I was not going to make any of the children items only because I do not have children (yet) but I wanted to be able to sew threw the book like I had last year. I am looking forward now to week 9's My Scrappy Box.
I had purchased some scraps -Kawaii scraps- From Pink Owel Fabrics On Etsy whom is a fellow Oregonian. Specifically for the small projects in this book. Her fabrics are fun and imported .. perfect for this SAL.
So............... anyhoot.. I hope you all are having fun sewing along. I know im ahead by a few weeks-only in preparation of a new job and a vacation weekend.
I have been participating in the Zakka 2.0 Patchwork Please SAL over at
LR Stiched right now most of everyone is finishing up their week 5's Placemat.
Here is mine:
My binding is not to swell. We were supposed to,according to the directions. Fold over the back of the fabric to create your bias..well...I have a hard time following everything to a T...
I am using my mat as a computer mat under my laptop riser/Mouse pad. It is working pretty well I think..
Week 6 is
A Yum-Yum Apple Bib .... My husband and I do not have children (yet) so, i'll be storing this one too...
I randomly chose my fabrics. I was going to do a unisex color scheme but I really love the colors of orange with the grey polka dots. Thanks to Flickr image changer I changed the colors to be more vivid.
I went with a babyville snap instead of velcro.
Week 7 is:
Dino-Mite Hate.
I didn't want to use wool because its spendy and again, trying to use my supplies I have on hand. However, I only had white, I spent the $4 (with coupon) for a yard to felt at Joanns Fabrics. The felt is just as thick as wool and much cheaper. Looks and feels the same to me too. I went with a unisex color scheme because,I didn't know who I was going to give this to.. I gave it to my bestest gals son.
Week 8 is:
Books-for-Baby Quilt.
This photo is when I was running some stitches down the rows to keep the backing and batting held together. I have had issues using spray adhesive, It challenges me I opted no to use it this time around.
Again, no baby so, this will be stored for the future :)
I was not going to make any of the children items only because I do not have children (yet) but I wanted to be able to sew threw the book like I had last year. I am looking forward now to week 9's My Scrappy Box.
I had purchased some scraps -Kawaii scraps- From Pink Owel Fabrics On Etsy whom is a fellow Oregonian. Specifically for the small projects in this book. Her fabrics are fun and imported .. perfect for this SAL.
So............... anyhoot.. I hope you all are having fun sewing along. I know im ahead by a few weeks-only in preparation of a new job and a vacation weekend.
baby quilt,
Japanese fabric,
LR Stitched,
zakka 2.0,
zakka sew along
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